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On this page you will find information and resources you’ll need to enter course requests for the 2025-2026 school year.
- Read through course offerings for next year by downloading the 2025-2026 Program of Studies, also available on the Central Bucks District Website. This booklet will list all available courses, as well as a brief description of each class.
- The High School Course Selection Sheet lists all courses by content area. This can be used as a quick reference while entering in course requests.
- 9th Grade students should use this: Course Selection Sheet MS to HS
- Students should login to the portal, click on "More" then "Course Registration" and use the search bar to enter courses before the deadline.
Review Presentations to Students:
10th Grade Program Planning Presentation
11th Grade Program Planning Presentation
Looking for options outside the normal course load? Explore whether the CB Cyber courses being offered for 25-26 are right for you!
Program Planning information for the 2025-2026 school year
We encourage the students and families to refer to the information in the Program Planning Presentation shared with all students during the extended advisory. The presentation highlights information about Course Registration Instructions, Graduation Requirements, CB Cyber, Early Graduation, Early Release/Late Arrival (for seniors), Schedule Change information, and more!
Please refer to this timeline for course registration for the 2025-2026 school year for our CURRENT sophomores and juniors.
- January 2- Program of Studies is available on the District Website. Interested in Middle Bucks Institute of Technology? Please check out their Programs and their Application webpage for more information!
- January 8 - Current Sophomores and Juniors will receive information on course selection and information about program planning in their Advisories. Instructions, course selection sheets, block scheduling are linked here.
- January 9 - Curriculum Fair for Rising Sophomores @ CB West 6:00PM
- January 3 - February 2 - Students will enter course selections online on the Student Portal. While the portal is open, students are encouraged to see their counselors with questions about courses, levels, sequencing, and how their programming can relate to future pursuits.
- February 3- March 4 - Counselors will review requests, prerequisites, graduation credits, and will address all questions and concerns with students. Any changes must be communicated by students to their counselors as they will no longer have access to make changes themselves.
- March 14 - Verification of course requests will be available on the student portal. Students and parents should review for accuracy at this time and reach out to their counselor with any final changes.
- March 20 - All changes to requests must be submitted to counselors by this date. No changes will be allowed for the 2025-26 school year after this time unless it is due to a level change supported by the recommending teacher or a failure to meet a prerequisite.
Information for our Biotech Program: