Central Bucks High School West
All Summer School remedial courses will be available in an online format through Educere, an online provider. Students remediating courses in English/Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and World Language, must register online at www.educere.net. Please review the list of all available summer school courses in all subject areas on this link: Abbreviated Courses for Central Bucks West High School Virtual Summer School
Students may register online from June 1 through Friday June 23, 2023.
Students have up to 60 days to complete the course (depending on date of registration), but all course work must be completed by Monday August 14, 2023 at 11:59 pm.
Fee for 1.0 credit course: $195.00.
You may click on the name of the course to see a course description, and to add the course to your Shopping Cart for purchase.
When registering, students must enter the Educere ID number and the CB West School Code: UFA62V3U
CB West Students must also select Mrs. Christina Evans as the counselor/contact person from the drop-down menu. This will allow CB West to receive students’ grades and progress information.
Once registered, students will receive start-up email from Educere, and may begin course within approximately 7 days after registering.
Please contact your student’s School Counselor directly with any questions or concerns.