Central Bucks East Curriculum Fair- For the Class of 2028

  • Over the next several weeks, all students in the Central Bucks School District will be entering their course requests for next year (2025-2026) through the Infinite Campus Student Portal. Your school counselors will walk students through the program planning process, including how to enter courses into the Portal, scheduling considerations, and timelines. Prior to entering course requests in Student Portal, we encourage students and their families to explore the robust curriculum that each of our departments has to offer.  In addition to our annual Curriculum Fair, we have created this Virtual Curriculum Information Page. 

    We encourage all to follow the below:

    STEP 1:  Watch the Welcome video from Dr. Watters, Principal of Central Bucks High School East. 

    STEP 2:   Watch the  "Ask a Senior" video. 

    STEP 3:  Open the Program Planning guide through the link below and become familiar with course offerings at CB East, as well as, example schedules and other important information.

    STEP 4:  After you become familiar with the process and offerings, students are encouraged to then click on the department icons (links below) to learn helpful information about required and elective course offerings. If students have specific questions about course recommendations, they should reach out to their Middle School Counselor or current 9th grade teachers.

  • Video List
    Art -


    8551 Art 1 – Introduction to Studio Ar
    8552 Art 2 – Intermediate Studio Art
    8553 Art 3 – Comprehensive Studio Art 
    8500 Advanced Placement Art and Design
    8554 Art 4 – Personal Directions in Studio Art and Portfolio
    8360 Introduction to Ceramics 
    8361 Ceramics 1 
    8362 Ceramics 2 
    8363 Ceramics 3
    8251 Drawing and Painting 1
    8252 Drawing and Painting 2 
    8461 Photography 1
    8462 Photography 2
    8463 Photography 3 
    8464 Photography 4 
    8562 Computer Graphics: Illustration and Graphic Design
    8564 Digital Imaging 
    8567 Introduction to 3D Modeling and Animation

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  • Video List
    Business and Integrated Technology -

    Business and Integrated Technology

    Business and Integrated Technology

    5160 Accounting 1
    5260 Accounting 2 
    5161 Business Administration 
    5061 Business Today 
    5660 Consumer Law & Business Ethics.
    5661 Marketing & Advertising Fundamentals
    5667 Sports & Entertainment Marketing 
    5062 Personal Finance 
    5163 Business Computer Applications ....
    5561 Digital Marketing
    5525 Web Design 
    5527 Gaming Design 
    5668 College & Career Computer Skills 
    5170 Entrepreneurship 

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  • Video List
    Health and Physical Education  -

    Health and Physical Education

    7061 PE/Health 
    7062 PE/Health 
    7069 Stress Management and Healthy Living
    7562 Advanced Health 
    7064 Team Sports
    7065 Lifetime Sports
    7066 Personal Fitness
    7063 Fitness Trends 
    7060 Unified Physical Education 

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  • Video List
    Music -


    8663 Concert Band

    8660 Wind Ensemble

    8665 Honors Jazz Band

    8661 Concert Choir

    8662 Honors Chamber Choir

    8664 String Orchestra

    8668 Honors Chamber Orchestra

    8600 AP Music Theory

    8667 Music Theory

    8630 Music Creation, Production, and Marketing

    8640 Musical Theatre and Tech

    8620 Music Technology



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  • Video List
    Technology and Engineering Education -

    Technology and Engineering Education

    6360 Exploratory Architectural Design 
    6361 Architectural Design 1
    6362 Architectural Design 2
    6363 Architectural Design 3
    6721 Engineering 1
    6722 Engineering 2 
    0674 Media Production
    0675 Media Production II
    0676 Media Production III
    0678 Media Production Practicum

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  • Video List
    CB East World Language Department -

    CB East World Language Department

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  • Video List
    World Languages -

    World Languages

    4101 Chinese 1
    4102 Chinese 2 
    4103 Chinese 3 
    4501 Spanish 1 .
    4502 Spanish 2 
    4203 French 3
    4503 Spanish 3 
    4213 French 3 Honors 
    4513 Spanish 3 Honors
    4204 French 4 
    4504 Spanish 4
    4514 Spanish 4 Honors 
    4214 French 4 Honors 
    4220 French 5
    4505 Spanish 5
    4500 Advanced Placement Spanish 
    4200 Advanced Placement French 
    4401 Latin 1 
    4402 Latin 2
    4403 Latin 3 
    4522 Study Abroad: France (Summer of 2022)39
    4521 Study Abroad: Spain (Summer of 2021)39

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  • Video List
    Chinese -


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Additional Resources: