Patriot Players
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Central Bucks High School EastPATRIOT PLAYERSState Thespian Troupe #6165♦PERFORMANCES:
Thurs, April 3rd (7:00 pm)
Fri, April 4th (7:00 pm)
Sat, April 5th (7:00 pm)
Sun, April 6th (2:00 pm)
♦CHILDREN'S THEATRE WORKSHOPSAT. FEBRUARY 22, 1-4:30 pmWORKSHOP IS FULL!If you have any questions, please emailthe club advisor, seisenberg@cbsd.orgBenefits the Make-A-Wish Foundation♦THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING!♦2023-2024Patriot Players Season
The CB East Patriot Players with the help ofour supportive community has proudly supportedthe Make-A-Wish Foundation for over 20 years!♦2022-2023Patriot Players SeasonThe Patriot Players visit Oscar Hammerstein'shome, Highland Farm in Doylestown, in honorof the 80th Anniversary of Oklahoma!♦2021-2022Patriot Players Season♦2020-2021Patriot Players Season♦2019-2020Patriot Players Season♦2018-2019Patriot Players Season♦2017-2018Patriot Players Season♦2016-2017Patriot Players Season*Awarded Best One-Act Play in Pennsylvania*State Thespian Conference, December 2016Thank you for your support ofthe arts in Central Bucks!For information: contactCBE Theatre Director, Sasha Eisenberg: