• Parking at Central Bucks East



    Procedures to register to park at Central Bucks High School East for the 2024-2025 school year are below:

    Who is eligible?


    • Seniors
    • Juniors who attend MBIT or Bio Tech 




    Step One:

    Log into your student/parent portal.   

    Go to School Store link to pay.

    Parking Permit Application and payment for the $100.00 ($50.00 per semester) Parking Permit Fee is on your student’s portal account using the above directions.  Once complete, print or save the receipt. 


    Step Two:

    Log into your CBSD Microsoft account on your computer or mobile device. 

    *ALL parking permit applications must be submitted through Microsoft Forms.

    (Paper forms will not be accepted.)



    ALL Obligations must be satisfied prior to your parking permit being issued.

    To satisfy an outstanding obligation, contact the Patriot Administrative Center (the PAC) in A208. Email Diane Kelleher dkelleher@cbsd.org or call 267-893-2304.


    Items you will need to download to your computer or mobile device prior to starting your application:

    *Please ensure all items are clear and legible.  Missing or unreadable items will delay issuance of parking decal.


    • Copy of your receipt of payment (Screen capture, download, email, or picture)
    • Picture/PDF of your driver's license
    • Picture/PDF of your vehicle(s) registration card(s) (*Maximum of two vehicles)
    • Picture/PDF of your vehicle(s) license plate(s)
    • Signed and initialed copy of the Parking Rules Signature Form.

    (Downloadable link in application)

    *For those without a printer, printed copies of the parking rules signature form are available at CB East on the front lobby table and the Security office (B110c)

    (Lobby open Monday - Thursday 8 AM - 3 PM) *Excluding holidays.

    Use the link below to access the application: 


    East Student Parking Application 2024-25


    Parking spaces will be assigned by the Safety and Security Department. 


    *Contact the security office (Jmadey@CBSD.org) to arrange in-person pickup for applications submitted after August 16th  




    Click Here to view a map of the Student Parking Lot



    Contact Central Bucks East Safety and Security office if you require any further assistance.

    Phone: 267-893-2340

    Email: Jmadey@CBSD.org

    Security Home Page


    Frequently asked questions:


    1. How will I know if my application was accepted or received?

    You will receive an automated response back from Microsoft Forms at the end of the application.  (See picture below).  You will not receive an email from the security office unless there is a problem with your application.  Decals will be mailed the week of August 19th.  If you have not received your decal by August 28th please contact the security office.

    A screenshot of a computer screenDescription automatically generated


    1. Can I request a specific parking space?

    No.  Parking spaces are assigned by the security office.  Many of our parking spaces in the lot have restrictions.  Each application is reviewed, and a space is assigned based on the information provided.    

    1. Can I register more than one car?

    Yes.  You can register two vehicles on the initial application. If you drive a vehicle other than the two vehicles listed on your application, use this link to add the car.

    1. What if I get a new/different car during the school year? Do I get a new parking decal?

    We only issue one decal per space per year. Stop by the security office (B110c) or email at Jmadey@cbsd.org.  We will send you a link so you can update your vehicle information.   

    1. Can I apply for a parking space if I only have a permit?

    Yes.  You can apply for a parking space.  However, you will not be issued a decal until you pass your road test and obtain your driver's license. Upload a picture of your permit (Question 23) where it asks for a picture of your driver's license. Contact the security office once you obtain your driver’s license.

    1. I’m a junior/sophomore can I apply for a parking permit?

    No.  Parking permits are restricted to seniors and juniors who attend MBIT or Bio tech. This is based solely on our parking lot size.

    1. What if I drive to school and find someone parked in my space?

    If you arrive at East and find a vehicle parked in your space, simply park along the curb by the baseball field (see orange line on picture below).  When you enter the building, stop by security or attendance and use the QR code outside one of the offices, so we are aware of the violation.

    Picture of Parking Lot


    1. Where does my parking decal go?

    The decal shall be placed on the lower right section of your windshield from the inside facing out (opposite your Pa. Inspection/emission decals). Your parking decal is peal and stick. See picture below:

        The inside of a carDescription automatically generated