
  • Technology Coach formative assessment ideas

    Posted by MICHELE MYERS on 11/4/2015

    Click here

    This site has many hands-on, practical ideas for checking for understanding.


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  • 56 Formative Assessent ideas

    Posted by MICHELE MYERS on 11/4/2015
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  • Gallery Walk - The Teaching Channel

    Posted by MICHELE MYERS on 10/2/2015

    Click here for the link.

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  • Twitter Template

    Posted by CORINNE SIKORA on 3/20/2014
    Have students capture their understanding in those uber-popular 140 characters known as tweets.  This template will help your students synthesize their thinking.  (Thanks, Jason Jaffe, for creating it.)
    Extension activities:
    Use this template with groups.  Have groups synthesize all of their thinking.  The discussion will be valuable.
    Show finished products with a document camera or have them complete and submit it electronically.
    Have students retweet their favorites.  #twitterlove #synthesizethinking #tweettolearn
    Comments (5)
  • My Favorite No

    Posted by CORINNE SIKORA on 10/1/2013
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  • Anticipation Guide

    Posted by CORINNE SIKORA on 10/1/2013
    1.  Select a text for students to read.
    2.  Create 5 – 8 general statements for students to reply to with “agree” or “disagree”. These statements can be either confirmed or may be disconfirmed by reading the text.
    3.  Have students indicate agreement or disagreement by placing acheck in the appropriate column.
    4.  Students read text to confirm or disconfirm their choices.
    5.  After reading, have students revisit their predictions and modify if necessary.
    *Source: McLaughlin, M. & Allen, M.B.(2000). Guided Comprehension: a teaching model for grades 3-8. Newark,Delaware:International Reading Association.
    Comments (4)
  • One Question, One Comment

    Posted by CORINNE SIKORA on 10/1/2013


    1.      Students are required to bring in one question and one comment based on the previous day's reading assignment.


    2.      Begin with a random student who chooses to read his comment or his question.

    3.     The next student has the choice to respond to the comment, answer the question, or branch out with his/her own question or comment.


    4.      As this chain of discussion continues around the classroom, it gets everybody participating and helps build comprehension in the students who might be struggling.


    Source: Gallagher, Kelly. (2004). Deeper reading: Comprehending challenging texts, 4-12. Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishing.

    Comments (6)
  • Opinion Continuum

    Posted by CORINNE SIKORA on 10/1/2013
    1.     Question is offered with opinion continuum: Is it okay to eat fast food?

    2.     Quiet student think time. 

    3.     Student A takes turns going to at least 2 others. 

    a.     Ask Student B for opinion with examples to support them!

    b.     Seek clarification

    c.      Sign/initial where they fall on continuum


    4.     Repeat step 3 with additional student(s)
    5.     Whole group conversation:  Did any opinions change?

    Source:Zwiers, J. and Crawford. M. (2011). Academic Conversations: Classroom Talk that Fosters Critical Thinkingand Content Understanding. Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishing.
    Comments (1)
  • Item Sampling

    Posted by CORINNE SIKORA on 10/1/2013

    Item sampling consists of a teacher only administering aportion of a test’s items to a portion of the students in class.  By amalgamating the sampled results, the teacher can obtain a defensible estimate of the entire class’s level of mastery in far less time than it would have taken had all students been obliged to complete all of a test’s items.


    For example, suppose you are a geometry teacher trying to get a fix on your students’ abilities to compute the areas of diversesorts of geometric shapes.  Let’s say youhave created 20 test items covering the range of geometric shapes for which students might compute areas. 
    However, rather than creating a single 20-item test, you randomly put the 20 items into5 separate, 4-item “testlets.”  You then randomly administer the testlets to different students in your class.
    Comments (3)
  • Whip Around

    Posted by CORINNE SIKORA on 10/1/2013

    The 'whip around' is a useful instructional tool teachers can use to check for understanding in a group setting.  While the whip around may not provide individual, student-level information about understanding, it is useful in helping teachers to determine if they need to reteach content to the group.  As such, whip around is often used as a closure activity at the end of a period of instruction.


    The procedure is fairly simple.  First, the teacher poses a question or a task; typically, students are asked to make a list of at least three items.  Students then individually respond on a scrap piece of paper. 
    When they have done so, students stand up. The teacher then randomly calls on a student to share one of his or her ideas from the paper. 
    Students check off any items that are said by another student and sit down when all of their ideas have been shared with the group, whether or not they were the one to share them.  The teacher continues to call on students until they are all seated.  As the teacher listens to the ideas or information shared by students, he are she can determine if there is a general level of understanding or if there are gaps in students’ thinking.
    Comments (3)




    Formative assessment is a process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students’ achievement of intended instructional outcomes.


    ·       Formative assessment is a process, not any particular test.

    ·       It is used not just by teachers but by both teachers and students.

    ·       Formative assessment takes place during instruction.

    ·       It provides assessment-based feedback to teachers and students.

    ·       The function of this feedback is to help teachers and students make adjustments that will improve students’ achievement of intended curricular aims.


    Definition of the StateCollaborative on Assessment and Student Standards (SCASS)


    Popham, W. James.  Transformative Assessment.  Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2008.

