• Welcome to the Central Bucks Eld Department!

    The English Language Development (Eld) Program Is Made up of Students in Our 23 Schools and Consists of Students Who Speak 37 Languages from 40 Countries in the World!

    Our goal is for all students to become literate in English while celebrating and maintaining the languages that they already know.


    Free English Classes for Adults/Clases de Inglés para Adultos Gratis!

    Click the link to sign up/Haga click en el enlace para inscribirse Summer ESL session




    Important information about the solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, 2024!!

    Please watch the video below, you can add captions by clicking the CC at the bottom of the video. You may also translate the subtitles by clicking the settings and choosing your language.



    Below are some of our students experiencing the magic of snow for the first time!

    We are teaching them more than just English, and they are teaching us that bringing classes out of the classroom and into the real world can have the biggest impact of all!