
  • OneNote OneNote2013 might be the most underutilized tool in Microsoft's Office Suite. 

    Our new technology initiative in Central Bucks makes this upcoming school year a perfect time to explore this productivity and collaboration tool.
     Why I like it:
    • Integrating:     It integrates with all of the office tools we already use in CB, including Outlook and OneDrive.
    • Sharing         You can share OneNote notebooks with students.
    • Capturing:       You can place already created files and handouts inside the notebook.
    • Protecting:       You can password protect sections.
    • Searching:       You can search the entire notebook to find notes on one specific topic.
    • Creating:         Your students can create a notebook and share it with you via email (think student writing journals.)
    • Recording:       Students can record audio and video and save the file in OneNote.
    • Emailing:         You can email yourself a from any other email and it will land in your notebooks.
    • Accessing:       You can access the notebook from the cloud.
    Whew...that is a lot of information.

      onenote icon

Sneek A Peak

OneNote @ The Ballpark

OneNote @ School

OneNote @ The Movies

Meaningful Learning with Technology

  • meaningful learning David Jonassen argues there are six characteristics of meaningful learning.  If a learning activity is designed with these aspects in mind, the end result will be a more engaged student. 
    Using OneNote can be both Constructive and Cooperative.
    Once a notebook is shared, students can collaborate and add information to the same pages in a notebook. Asychronous learning is possible throughout a project or an entire year.
    If used correctly, OneNote can also promote constructivist learning. As students interact with the information, they can reflect and refine their learning by creating mental models of the new learning each time they add to the notebook.  Teachers can easily provide feedback in this digital format allowing for more student reflection and ultimately learning.
    The use of OneNote as a collaborative tool reaches the redefinition level of the SAMR model.
    The redefinition level can only be reached when a technology tool is transformative and affects learning in a way that was 'previously inconceivable.'  Using OneNote as a collaborative, digital collection of notes changes how students interact.