• Baby Photos and Messages


    This option is for SENIORS ONLY!

    Your senior's baby photo and congratulatory message will appear in the special "Baby Bucks" section of the yearbook. 


    ORDERING INFORMATION - Deadline Friday, Nov.15, 2024


     Available at an additional cost of $50, please follow the below steps if you are interested in this extra feature.



    2. Place payment for the extra feature[note: PAYMENT FOR ADDITIONAL FEATURE DOES NOT INCLUDE PAYMENT FOR YEARBOOK! ]


    Photo Submission Steps:

    1. Select your high quality digital photo (not a photo of a printed photo and just the child--no other people, please). Also, note that the photo will be in a square format, so it will be cropped as necessary.
    2.  Write your message. PLEASE limit your message to 50 words or fewer and thoroughly proofread. We print submissions EXACTLY as they are received, but the Antler staff reserves the right to shorten messages in excess of 50 words. Please note: emojis cannot be printed.
    3. Email your digital photo and message to sferraro@cbsd.org.  Please have the subject of your email be "Last, First Name Baby Photo" (example:  Smith,Alex Baby Photo)
    4. Your photo and message will NOT be printed if you have not submitted payment by the deadline! 



    The deadline is Friday Nov.15, 2024


Sample Pages
