Safe2Say Something

  • Safe2Say Something (S2SS) is an anonymous reporting system designed to help students and staff to recognize the warning signs and signals of individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others. The S2SS program trains students and school staff members to treat every warning sign seriously and to act quickly to get help by talking to a trusted adult and/or by reporting it anonymously via phone, mobile app, or website to the Pennsylvania S2SS Crisis Center. District staff members will be trained to respond to and manage tips that are submitted in coordination with state and local law enforcement officials.       

    S2SS is based on a three-step system:

    • An anonymous tip is submitted via one of the following options:
      1. Website:
      2. Tipline: 1-844-SAF2SAY
      3. Mobile App for Apple and Android Devices
    • All calls and tips are received by the 24/7 S2SS Crisis Center.
      1. A S2SS Crisis Center analyst receives and reviews tip information.
      2. The tip is triaged and categorized as either life safety or non-life safety.
      3. The tip is then sent to school officials and law enforcement (as needed) via text, email, and/or phone call.
    • School officials and law enforcement intervene and/or offer assistance
      1. School officials and law enforcement (as needed) investigate, assess, and intervene with reported at-risk individuals.
      2. School officials report their outcomes into the Safe2Say Something platform and close out the tip, ensuring accountability for every tip submitted.

    The S2SS program and curriculum is funded and managed by the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office through a partnership with Sandy Hook Promise, a national non-profit organization working to improve school safety.  The curriculum is designed to be age-appropriate and research-based. 

    Download a full brochure, outlining the program.