• CB West Library eBook & Audiobook Collection
    The CB West Library gives our students access to eBooks and audiobooks through the following apps.  Use the links below to browse our growing collection.
    Available on your laptop or as an app on your device.  Log in with your
    CBSD credentials to search, borrow, & access audiobooks, eBooks, & magazines.
    Also available as an app in Classlink.
    For help with Sora, click HERE.
    Destiny Discover
    Destiny Discover can be accessed using the link above,
    or through the Library's Destiny Catalog
    Simply type ebook in the search field.
    Students must log in with their CB network user name
    and password to be able to view and download eBooks. 

    Gale eBooks can be accessed from school
    or from home with the CBW password.  
    It is also in the Library Resources folder in Classlink.

    EBSCO eBooks is provided through POWER Library. 
    Students must access through Classlink.  Find POWER Library
    in the Library Resources folder. 
    Once in POWER Library,
    select 'Click Here for All E-Resources' and scroll down to find eBooks.