
    High School Science Education 

    The CBSD high school program provides students with a variety of opportunities to explore our world. The sequences outlined below represent typical pathways.  However, additional pathways are possible.  If you have any questions, your current science teacher or guidance counselor will be able to answer them for you.  For more information,  please clink on the Student Resource Links page to find the Program of Studies for the high school program.    


    Honors and Academic Sequence  is for most Central Bucks students.  You are required to take a Biology course in grade 10. Courses that qualify for this requirement are: 3010 Honors Biology, 3020 Academic Biology, and 3040 Practical Biology. We also recommend that all college-bound students take at least one course in Chemistry and Physics. 

    Grade 9

    Grade 10

    Grade 11

    Grade 12

    Science 9 

    (Honors or Academic)


    (Honors, Academic or Practical)


    (Honors, Academic, or Conceptual)

    and/or Interest Dependent



    (Honors or Academic)

    and/or Interest Dependent



    Most Rigorous Sequence  is for college-bound students planning a career in general science, medicine, engineering or Earth/space science.  

    Grade 9

    Grade 10

    Grade 11

    Grade 12

    Honors Science 9

    Honors or AP Biology and

    Honors Chemistry or an Interest Dependent Elective

    Physics (Honors or AP) and Interest Dependent Electives such as: AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science and Human Anatomy and Physiology.

    We also offer the following electives for you to explore areas of particular interest to you:
     Grade 10 – 12 
    • AP Biology (36 weeks, 2 credits)
    • Astronomy (9 weeks, .5 credit)      
    • Environmental Sustainability (18 weeks, 1 credit) 
    • Oceanography (9 weeks, .5 credit)                                                                                                         
    • AP Environmental Science (18 weeks, 1 credit)*   
    • Human Anatomy and Physiology (18 weeks, 1 credit)*      
    • Applied Human Anatomy and Physiology (18 weeks, 1 credit)*  (CB West only)       

     Grade 11 - 12 

    • AP Physics: Newtonian Mechanics (18 weeks, 1 credit)*
    • AP Physics: Electricity and Magnetism (18 weeks, 1 credit)*                                
    • Forensic Science (18 weeks, 1 credit) *   
    • AP Biology (36 weeks, 2 credits)*                                                                                 
    • AP Chemistry (36 weeks, 2 credits) *      

    *Denotes the class has a prerequisite.