Fundraising program promotes leadership and community at Titus
This year, Titus Elementary School’s fundraising campaign brings the school’s “Paws for Pride” values – pride, respect, individual responsibility, determination, and empathy – into sharp focus.
Beyond traditional fundraising, the program promoted leadership and school community by creating opportunities for sixth grade students to take “individual responsibility” for the program’s success. Over a week-long period, the students presented lessons on each of the school’s values using video, picture books, and their own personal stories from their experiences as students at Titus. Titus Principal Bridget Pustay said, "Our sixth graders were truly the leaders of this initiative and without their hard work and dedication, we would not have been successful."
The program culminated with a school-wide “fun run” that was a fantastic showing of school and community pride! Said Pustay, "Run for Funds was an exciting way to begin the year, reinforced our values, and brought us all together as one Titus family."