CB East Earns "Model PLC at Work" Distinction
Central Bucks School District is happy to congratulate CB East on being one of just 600 schools in the U.S. and Canada to be recognized as a Model Professional Learning Community (PLC) at Work! Awarded by Solution Tree, the honor is given to schools that demonstrate sustained success in raising student achievement, including through the implementation of the PLC at Work process.
CB East is the second high school in Pennsylvania to ever earn the Model PLC at Work distinction and one of just three schools in the state to achieve the honor this year.
Schools are recognized based on strict criteria, including demonstration of a commitment to PLC concepts, implementation of these concepts for at least three years, and clear evidence of improved student learning over that period. Once measurable results can be seen, the school must explain its practices, structures, and culture and submit its application for consideration by the PLC Review Committee. The school also has to update its data every three years to keep its distinction.
Schools and districts selected for this recognition have shown “a sustained commitment to helping all of their students achieve at high levels," according to Champions of PLC at Work. "We applaud them and congratulate them for achieving this very significant milestone on the never-ending PLC journey.”
"I am so incredibly proud of our staff and students," CB East principal Chad Watters said. "This recognition is a testament to their relentless pursuit of learning and ongoing work as team."
CB East will now join a distinguished network of schools listed on www.allthingsplc.info, where educators share strategies and resources to improve student outcomes.