• Frequently Asked Questions about the Buckingham Elementary PTO


    What is the PTO?  The PTO is comprised of all parents, teachers, and school staff dedicated to enhancing the learning experience of our children.

    What are the goals of the PTO?  The goals of the PTO are to foster relationships between family and school, and to work with the teachers, staff, and community at large to enrich the educational experience at Buckingham Elementary. 

    We do this by:

    • Providing an alternate means of communication between parents and the school
    • Assisting the school with various programs
    • Providing extension education for children and families
    • Promoting the interests of Buckingham Elementary School to the Central Bucks School District and other governmental authorities
    • Holding fundraising activities that fund the PTO and provide additional goods and/or services that benefit our children.

    Who can join the PTO?   Every teacher, school staff member and family with a student at Buckingham Elementary is automatically part of the PTO.  Dues are not a requirement for membership.

    What does the PTO do for Buckingham Elementary?  The PTO sponsors a variety of programs and events throughout the year.  Through the generosity of your time and monetary donations, we have been able to provide the following:

    • Subsidizing of Field Trips and Assemblies
    • Teacher grants and special funds for music, art, and PE
    • Playground equipment, including the Gaga Pit, a new slide, and a rock wall for the gym
    • Library Enhancements, including books, Visiting Authors, and funds for Reading Olympics
    • Assignment Planners every year for students and a school-wide Directory

    When are General PTO Meetings held?  We hold 3 General PTO Meetings per year, and they are open to all parents, teachers, and staff members.  

    Why are there so many different fundraisers?  Fundraising by your PTO helps to enhance the education that your children receive at Buckingham Elementary.  As a PTO, we strive to provide a variety of fundraising opportunities to fit every budget.  We ask each family to participate in the way they are most comfortable.  All money raised is put right back into our school.