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Birthday Celebrations


Mill Creek Elementary enjoys recognizing our students' birthdays by providing some time with classmates to celebrate during the school week. We know that our students appreciate sharing these special moments with their friends and it helps build a strong and supportive classroom community.


We also know there are many ways to celebrate school birthdays. For a variety of reasons we are moving away from birthday FOOD-RELATED treats. An important reason being to coordinate and align our school practices with the mission of our district's wellness policy. In addition, we have some children with severe health restrictions that do not allow them to eat what other children bring from home.


There are many fine alternatives to food-related treats that can be used. Please work with your child's teacher when planning for a birthday and they may be of help in guiding your decision if you choose to bring a non-food treat. Unfortunately, if a food-related treat is sent into school, we will not be able to send it up to the classroom.


This policy does not change the "balanced menu" approach for our school parties coordinated by our H&S/Homeroom Parents.


Thanks in advance for your support of this policy change.