Health Office
Page Navigation
- Health Office Contact Information
- Annual Student Information Update
- Health Office Information
- Health Office Forms
- Immunizations
- Free and Reduced lunch application
- Required health examinations
- Medication Policy
- Information about lice
- Parent Support Resources
- Concussion Information
- Allergic Reactions
- Childrens Health Insurance Program
- Ticks and Lyme Disease
◦Please keep all emergency contact information up to date. (Home phone number, cell phone numbers, work numbers) When a sick/injured child must be sent home, the telephone number of a responsible adult to contact is essential. Please only list people on your census sheet who are available to pick up your child during the school day.
Please let the school nurse know if there are any significant changes in your child's health.
The school nurse provides care to students who become ill or injured at school. If a child has symptoms of illness present, he/she should remain home in order that other children do not become infected. As a rule of thumb, a child should be without a fever for 24 hours before returning to school. Sick children should never be sent to school with the expectation that the school nurse can be called upon to diagnose a medical problem. If your child becomes sick at home or is injured at home or at a sporting event outside of school hours, please do not ask the child to come to the school nurse for treatment