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Welcome to the Shout Outs with Shillingford Homepage!
Here is the homebase for Shout outs with Shillingford! A way for members of the Holicong community to offer an unsolicited Shout Out to another person or group! Hopefully a way to bring some JOY to others in 30 seconds or less!
Video List SHOUT OUT with Jamie
Jamie gives Mrs. Keyes a Shout Out...just for being an awesome teacher!
Author:Length:Video List SHOUT OUT with Maura and Elise
Maura gives a Shout Out to Ms. Slotterback and Elise gives a Shout Out to the cast & crew of Freaky Friday!
Author:Length:Video List SHOUT OUT with Emma
Emma gives a Shout Out to Mrs. Brunner!
Author:Length:Video List SHOUT OUT with Josh
Josh gives a Shout Out to all the people in his life who have helped him along the way.
Author:Length:Video List SHOUT OUT with Josh
Josh gives a Shout Out to all the people in his life who have helped him along the way.
Author:Length:Video List Shout Out with Chris & Quinn!
Chris & Quinn give a Shout Out to Mrs. MacMinn!
Author:Length:Video List Shout Out with Ankan!
Ankan gives a Shout Out to Mr. Kane!
Author:Length:Video List Shout Out with AJ!
AJ gives a shout out to mom and dad!
Author:Length:Video List Shout Out with Ms. D'Arcangelo!
Ms. D gives a Shout Out to her math class!
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