Team Spark FAQs
What will we do on the first day of school?
When you arrive to school on the first day, you'll converge in the auditorium for a welcome greeting from all of your teachers. Then you'll make your way to your specials classes. After, you'll progress to your normal academic classes, but each class will help you to get to know the school and your classmates using specifically designed introduction activities. While you may be nervous about starting a new school, we'll make sure you feel comfortable opening your locker, navigating the school, and understanding the schedule. The good news is that everyone is new to 7th grade-- so you're not alone.
What happens if I can’t get my locker open or it is jammed?
You may not believe us, but you WILL get your locker open. It just takes practice.You will have additional time on the first day of school to practice opening your locker. If it becomes jammed, please let your teacher know, and he or she will let you go to the office to fill out a form.
Will I remember my schedule on time?
YES! After the second week, most seventh graders are very comfortable with it.If you are still having problems, let your teachers know. We are here to help you!
What happens if I am late for class? What happens if I get lost?
Your teachers understand you are new to the building. We will do our best to help you find your way around Unami during the first few weeks of class. If you are lost, ask a teacher! If you are consistently late, talk to your teacher and problem-solve. As the school year progresses, you will have consequences such as lunch detentions and pass restrictions if you are consistently late.
When is lunch for 7th grade?
Lunch is after 4th period.
Where can I go during resource?
Resource is a time for quiet and productive work. During that time, you may request a pass to see another teacher if you need additional help or need to make upwork. You may also visit the library.
When do I get a gym uniform if I have gym the second half of school?
The first week of the class is the best time. Otherwise, the school store is open every morning until 7:30.
Besides at lunch and through the hallways, do the different teams ever mingle together?
Your specials classes are not teamed, so you will see friends from the other teams during that time as well.
You should plan to have approximately 70 minutes of homework each night (this is in addition to resource). This time should also be spent organizing your binders and book bags, independently reading, and preparing for upcoming lessons and activities.
Is it okay to have two 1-inch binders instead of one 2-inch binder?
Yes. Whatever works best for you. You are expected to have all materials needed for each class (no running back to your lockers!), so find a system that meets your needs. If you are not sure yet, give it a few weeks and see what you prefer.
How much will my grades be affected if I do not have neat handwriting?
It is an expectation that all work is neatly done and legible. A teacher may ask you to rewrite an assignment if he or she can’t read it, however, with the distribution of laptops, it's likely more of your assignments will be typed than handwritten.
Are our projects usually done in school or at home?
It depends on the assignment given. Some will be in school, some at home, and some will be school and home.
Do you get to visit the library?
Unlike elementary school, you will not be visiting the library at a specific time each week. Instead, teachers will take you down based on what we’re doing. You may also visit the library during resource/consult. There are special instructions for this so be sure to ask your resource teacher about it and pay attention during library orientation.
What academic awards are 7th graders eligible for?
Students will be recognized on the honor roll. If you achieve a 4.0 throughout the year, you will be also be recognized in June. Some teachers also recognize the highest average in each class.
How long do after school activities take?
It depends on the activity. Some may take an hour while others will be longer. The coach or advisor of the activity will let you know.