Welcome to Titus Elementary's Guidance Site
Jennifer Horan
Student Support Counselor
Yelena Zonis
School Psychologist
Titus is a place where students are encouraged to be themselves while growing into lifelong learners. The elementary school counselor fosters academic, emotional, and social development in students. We are another avenue for honest communication between home and school during your child's development. Supporting a safe learning environment for all students, while supporting the efforts of our teachers and administration is at the forefront of my work at Titus. We have developed the Paws for PRIDE program to ensure expectations for behavior are clear and attainable for all students. The students and staff approach each day with our five themes in mind: P - Pride; R- Respect; I - Individual Responsibility; D - Determination; E - Empathy. It is our hope that the time we dedicate to real-life learning of these character traits will help our students be successful and contributing citizens wherever they may go.
Paws for PRIDE

Pride Respect
Individual Responsibility Determination Empathy