Changes to School Counseling Assignments Benefit Students and Families

On October 17th, the district notified families of students in grades 9-11 of important changes to the way in which school counselors are assigned to students. School counselors at all three Central Bucks high schools will be assigned to students according to last name, rather than by “house.”

"We believe this change will result in numerous benefits for students and families," explained Alyssa Marton, the district's Director of Pupil Services.

"We know that close, meaningful relationships contribute greatly to our ability to help our students achieve the greatest degree of success, and this adjustment will impact that by enabling our counselors to work with all students in a family, as well as across grade levels," she added.

This model will also see the creation of true "School Counseling Suites" at each school, with enhanced services made possible in part by greater sharing of tasks across the school counseling team. This collaboration will also enable counselors to meet more frequently one on one with students.

Marton also believes that students will benefit when counselors work with teachers across all grade levels. "Having relationships with teachers allows counselors to work the middle ground between teachers and students.

"Counselors often work collaboratively to resolve issues on behalf of students, which works much smoother when relationships are established," she noted.

A detailed infographic has been developed with more information for families. The change will take effect beginning in the 2023-2024 school year.